Sinhagad Road in Pune was the site of a recent accident involving a two-wheeler driver who slipped on spilt concrete on the road. The incident occurred due to cement concrete spillage from an RMC mixer vehicle between Dhayari Phata and Lagad Mala. This is not the first time such an incident has happened, as two weeks prior, concrete had spilled from the mixer, prompting officials to clean the area and take action against the RMC mixer plant.
Despite fines being imposed and regulations put in place for daily cleaning of spillage areas, the lack of workers has led to small piles of concrete causing accidents for two-wheeler drivers. The Pune Municipal Corporation (PMC) and the RMC mixer plant owner have not yet addressed the issue, leading to calls from drivers and citizens for immediate action to remove the spilt concrete.
Assistant Municipal Commissioner Sandeep Khalate has promised that the construction department will take action against the concrete-spilling plant. Assistant Police Inspector Rajkumar Barde has also mentioned that penal action will be taken against vehicles carrying concrete in RMC mixers beyond capacity, in accordance with RTO rules.
Local leader Mahesh Pokale from Uddhav Sena has emphasized the need for prompt cleaning of the road to prevent accidents and traffic jams caused by spilt concrete. He has called for strict action against the companies involved and warned of penalties if regulations are not followed. The situation on Sinhagad Road highlights the importance of proper maintenance and enforcement to ensure the safety of all road users.
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