Conrad Pune recently celebrated Christmas with a purpose by partnering with Merck Life Science and the Robin Hood Army to spread awareness about food safety. The event was not only festive but also educational, with children from underserved communities participating in interactive science experiments led by Merck’s SPARK™ program.
The day was filled with joy as the children enjoyed a specially curated Christmas lunch and received educational comic books and goodies from Merck. The initiative aimed to teach children about the importance of safe food handling practices while spreading the festive spirit.
Conrad Pune’s General Manager, Abhishek Sahai, emphasized the hotel’s commitment to giving back to the community and creating a safer, healthier future for young minds. The Robin Hood Army also expressed their satisfaction with the event, noting the long-lasting impact of teaching food safety awareness to children.
By instilling these lessons early, the program empowered children to adopt healthier habits and contribute to a safer community. The collaboration between Conrad Pune, the Robin Hood Army, and Merck Life Science showcased the power of community-driven initiatives and the importance of spreading joy, sharing knowledge, and giving back during the holiday season.
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