Pune was buzzing with controversy as Shiv Pratishthan Chief Sambhaji Bhide, also known as Bhide Guruji, made some shocking statements during a recent address to Dharkaris in the city. Bhide Guruji declared that the independence India received on 15th August is not what they want; instead, they are striving for Hindavi independence. He also went on to say that heroines should not take part in the poojas and rituals of Vat Savitri Purnima.
In response to these remarks, Pune City Presidents from the NCP and Congress, Prashant Jagtap and Arvind Shinde, respectively, took to the streets to protest. They demanded that Bhide be charged with treason for his controversial statements.
The Mast and Trast Groups, known for their famous ‘Puneri Patyas’, also got involved in the issue. The Mast Group put up a banner on Prabhat Road instructing women to dress modestly to avoid unwanted attention. On the other hand, the Trast Group’s banner urged men to have a mindset that prevents them from staring at others, regardless of how they are dressed.
These banners quickly became a hot topic on social media, sparking debates and discussions among Pune residents. The controversy surrounding Bhide’s statements continues to stir up emotions and opinions in the city.
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