The Khedkar family finds themselves embroiled in a new controversy, as a video surfaces showing Manorama Khedkar, mother of IAS officer Puja Khedkar, allegedly threatening farmers with a pistol to acquire more land in Mulshi tehsil, Pune district. The family’s questionable tactics to expand their property holdings have come under scrutiny, with accusations of using force to take land from local farmers. Despite attempts by the farmers to seek justice through lodging a complaint, they claim to have faced obstacles due to pressure from the Khedkar family.
The disturbing footage shows Manorama Khedkar brandishing a pistol in the presence of bouncers, intensifying the already existing concerns regarding abuse of power and influence within the family. The community has been quick to respond, demanding a thorough investigation and appropriate consequences for those involved in the incident. As the video gains traction online, the pressure on authorities to address these allegations only continues to grow.
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