In a recent incident in Pune, two youngsters have landed in trouble for staging and filming a risky stunt. The video clip, which has now gone viral on social media, shows a young man holding a girl’s hand as she is suspended in the air from a multi-storey under-construction building near the new Katraj highway. Two others are present to film the stunt.

The Bharati Vidyapeeth Police have taken action against the duo, booking them under sections 336 and 34 of the IPC for endangering their lives and the lives of others. The police are currently searching for the youngsters involved in the stunt and have warned of legal action against them.

This incident serves as a reminder of the dangers of attempting such risky stunts for the sake of social media fame. Authorities are urging young people to refrain from engaging in such activities and to prioritize their safety above all else. Let’s all remember to think twice before putting ourselves and others in harm’s way for the sake of a few likes and shares on social media.

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