The heart-wrenching discovery of a deceased male infant in Pune’s Viman Nagar has left the community in shock. The infant, carefully concealed in a garbage can to avoid detection, was found by cleaning worker Sushila Somnath Salwe early this morning in JP Nagar.
Salwe, a 50-year-old resident of Indira Nagar, immediately reported the tragic incident to the Airport Police Station. A case has been registered against an unknown accused under IPC section 318, which deals with the concealment of birth by secret disposal of a dead body.
Reports from the police indicate that the infant was wrapped and disposed of in the garbage can, with materials like plastic and newspaper used to hide the body. Police Sub-Inspector SR Chaudhary is currently leading the investigation into this heartbreaking case.
The community is urged to come forward with any information that may help solve this mystery and bring justice to the deceased infant. The authorities are working tirelessly to uncover the truth behind this tragic event and ensure that those responsible are held accountable for their actions.
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