In a surprising turn of events in the Pune Porsche car accident case, A Delhi-based meme creator, Aryan Dev Neekhra, has found himself in hot water with the Pune City Police. Neekhra, who had previously released a parody reel pretending to be the accused teen driver, has now been booked by authorities.
In a bold move, Neekhra has released another video claiming that the case against him is merely a distraction tactic by the Pune police to divert attention away from the main accident case. “To divert everyone’s attention from the main case, action is being taken against me,” Neekhra stated in the video. He went on to emphasize that he did not use any abusive language and maintained his innocence throughout the situation.
Neekhra is now appealing for the charges against him to be dropped, asserting that they are completely unfounded. “The charges against me should be dropped,” he urged in his video plea. Despite the reel being removed from his account, Neekhra is still actively seeking donations through a live barcode linked to a payment app under his name to cover his bail.
Known for his controversial and provocative content, Neekhra has faced backlash for his latest video, which appears to trivialize a serious incident that has sparked public outrage. As the situation continues to unfold, it remains to be seen how Neekhra’s actions will impact the ongoing investigation into the Porsche car accident in Pune.
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