Accidents in Pune have been a cause for concern lately, with Deputy Chief Minister Ajit Pawar taking action to address the issue. He recently announced that control of traffic signals in Pune will now be managed by the Pune Police instead of the Pune Municipal Corporation. This decision was made in response to the high number of malfunctioning signals in the city, with approximately 50% currently not working properly.

During a meeting with various administrative departments, Pawar emphasized the need to prevent water accumulation on roads during the rainy season and to tackle traffic congestion. He urged for better coordination between the PMC, Pune Police, and other relevant authorities to ensure citizen safety.

Pawar also called for the quick removal of dangerous hoardings, clearing of road obstructions, and cleaning of drains to prevent waterlogging. He stressed the importance of taking strict action against illegal advertising practices and ensuring prompt response to any road blockages caused by fallen trees.

PMC Commissioner Dr. Rajendra Bhosale highlighted the steps being taken to address these issues, including the appointment of garbage cleaners, monitoring of rainwater accumulation spots, and removal of unauthorized advertising hoardings. The focus is on improving road safety and traffic flow in Pune and Pimpri Chinchwad cities.

Overall, the efforts to enhance traffic management and infrastructure in Pune are crucial in ensuring the safety and convenience of residents and commuters. Collaboration between various departments and timely interventions will be key in addressing the challenges faced by the city.

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