In a recent development, Maharashtra’s Deputy Chief Minister, Ajit Pawar, has called out the senior police officers in Pune for their failure to control the rising crime rates in the city. Despite the government’s efforts to provide the necessary resources, including improved housing, new offices, and vehicles, Pawar expressed his disappointment with the law enforcement in Pune.
The most recent incident that brought attention to the issue was the murder of a woman by her colleague using a “koyta” weapon in Yerawada on Tuesday. This gruesome act has once again highlighted the presence of violent gangs in Pune, particularly the notorious “koyta” gangs known for their brutal tactics.
Pawar emphasized that if the senior police officers were unable to address the crime situation, new officers would be brought in to tackle the issue and restore law and order in the city. He assured that a special meeting would be held with the senior police officers to discuss ways to improve the law and order situation in Pune.
The deputy chief minister also touched upon the political accountability that comes with the state government’s recent electoral victory, stating that it is their responsibility to meet the expectations of the people who have supported them. Without any political interference in police work, Pawar reiterated the government’s commitment to addressing the rising crime rates in Pune.
Overall, the government is taking a proactive approach to address the issue of rising crime in Pune and ensure the safety and security of its residents. Stay tuned for more updates on this developing story.
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