In a groundbreaking win, a team of students from the School of Energy and Environment at the Defence Institute of Advanced Technology (DIAT) in Pune has emerged victorious in the Smart India Hackathon (SIH) 2024 Hardware Edition. The competition, which aims to promote innovation and problem-solving among students, saw participation from numerous teams from across the country.
The DIAT Pune team impressed the judges with their innovative solution for waste water treatment during the 2024 edition of SIH held at PIET, Panipat. The winning team, consisting of Col. Rushikesh Dhotre, Manvendra Kumar, Shaista Shabbi, Anuj Sahu, Saswata Dhar, and Saptrishi Sarkar, under the mentorship of faculty Dr. Nikhil Bhave and Dr. Rahul Yadav, received a cash prize of Rs. 1 Lakh along with institute and individual trophies and certifications for their remarkable achievement.
Their project, which utilized soya biochar and solar-powered UV treatment for water purification, not only improves water quality but also promotes sustainability by reducing reliance on traditional energy sources. Dr. Prashant S Kulkarni, Director of the School of Energy and Environmental Systems at DIAT Pune, commended the team for their innovative approach to addressing modern-day challenges.
Vice Chancellor of DIAT Pune, Dr. BHVS Narayana Murthy, congratulated the students and faculty on their outstanding success, highlighting the institution’s dedication to fostering talent and innovation in the field of education and technology. The School of Energy and Environmental Systems at DIAT Pune offers programs in Renewable Energy and Energy and Environmental Systems at the MTech and PhD levels.
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