In a groundbreaking decision, Dr. (Mrs.) Vrishali Bhosale has been unanimously appointed as the President of the Jawaharlal Nehru Hockey Tournament Society (JNHTS). She is the first woman to lead this prestigious organization that has been promoting hockey in India since 1964.
Dr. Bhosale takes over from industrialist Yash Bharwani, who resigned for personal reasons. She now joins the ranks of former presidents such as A.K. Sen, Y.B. Chavan, Sharad Pawar, and Olympians.
In her acceptance speech, Dr. Bhosale expressed gratitude for the opportunity and highlighted the importance of inclusivity and representation in Indian sports administration. She emphasized her vision to uphold the legacy of the Society while promoting innovation and inclusivity in the sport of hockey.
The JNHTS is known for nurturing talent through its annual tournaments, which concluded their latest editions between October and December 2024. These tournaments have been instrumental in discovering hockey legends like Ajitpal Singh, Dr. Dilip Tirkey, Zafar Iqbal, and Gagan Ajit Singh.
Dr. Bhosale, a renowned medical practitioner and President of SE Society under the SNBP Group, brings her passion for hockey to the role. The Chikhli Sports Complex, equipped with an international-standard turf, reflects her dedication to grassroots sports development.
Under her leadership, the Society will focus on hosting the Nehru Women’s Hockey Tournament in March 2025, coinciding with the 50th anniversary of India’s 1975 World Cup victory in Kuala Lumpur.
Building on India’s success at the Tokyo 2021 and Paris 2024 Olympics, Dr. Bhosale aims to continue nurturing young talent and enhancing the nation’s standing in its national sport.

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