In a tragic incident that shook the Camp area of Pune, a 60-year-old beggar was found dead after a brutal assault. The victim, who remains unidentified, was reportedly involved in a dispute with another beggar that turned violent in the early hours of yesterday morning.

The incident took place on the footpath in front of Jawaharlal Nehru Memorial Hall, where many beggars often sleep at night. The assailant allegedly attacked the victim with kicks and punches, resulting in severe injuries that proved fatal.

Police have registered a case against one suspect in connection with the murder, and a search is currently underway to apprehend the individual who fled the scene after the assault. Senior Police Inspector Ravindra Gaikwad and his team are leading the investigation, while authorities are urging the public to come forward with any information that could help identify the deceased beggar.

This tragic event serves as a stark reminder of the dangers faced by vulnerable members of society, and highlights the need for greater protection and support for those living on the streets. Our thoughts go out to the victim and their loved ones during this difficult time.

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