Doctors at Sassoon Hospital in Pune have been caught exploiting poor patients by demanding money for surgical materials and medicines. A viral video clip shows a doctor from the Neurosurgery Department asking a patient’s relative to buy a kit worth Rs 24,500 from a private medical store, even though the surgery was done for free under a government scheme.

The doctor is seen threatening the relative, saying that the patient would die if they did not comply and even going as far as to warn them about potential legal consequences if they did not follow his instructions.

This shocking revelation has sparked outrage among citizens, with many calling for the hospital Dean to take immediate action against the doctor involved. It is not the first time such malpractices have been exposed at Sassoon Hospital, with private medical stores in the area also being implicated in exploiting vulnerable patients.

The sting operation conducted by social worker Zuber Memon has shed light on the corrupt practices that have been going on for years, leaving patients’ relatives at the mercy of unscrupulous doctors and medical stores. This scandal serves as a stark reminder of the need for greater oversight and accountability in the healthcare system to protect the most vulnerable members of society.

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