The tragic incident in Kalyani Nagar, Pune, where two young IT engineers lost their lives after being hit by a speeding Porsche driven by a minor under the influence of alcohol, has sparked outrage and controversy. The case, which remains unresolved after two weeks, has brought to light new revelations daily, keeping the public on edge.
The minor accused in the case was granted bail within 15 hours, a decision that has been heavily criticized by Maharashtra Deputy Chief Minister and Home Minister Devendra Fadnavis. Fadnavis has vowed that no one involved in the incident will be spared, promising justice for the victims and their families.
The incident, involving the son of an influential builder, has led to the arrest of the minor’s father and grandfather on charges of criminal intimidation and bribery. Additionally, three individuals from Sassoon General Hospital have been detained for allegedly swapping blood samples and tampering with evidence, further complicating the case.
Political leaders, including Baramati MP Supriya Sule and Indian National Congress Maharashtra State President Nana Patole, have condemned the Maharashtra State Government for its handling of the case. Criticism has been directed towards Deputy Chief Minister Fadnavis, with calls for his resignation from various quarters.
In response to the backlash, Fadnavis has defended the government’s actions, stating that proper measures are being taken in the Pune Porsche incident. He has accused some individuals of playing politics with the situation and has reiterated his commitment to ensuring that justice is served.
As the investigation continues and more details come to light, the people of Pune are eagerly awaiting a resolution to this tragic and controversial case.
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