Hey Pune peeps, have you heard about the latest scandal rocking the city? A fake certificate supposedly issued by the Deputy Commissioner of the Maharashtra State Council of Examination has been unearthed, leading to a case being lodged at Deccan Gymkhana Police Station. The alleged culprits in this case are Sahdev Nimbhore from Ahmednagar, Nilesh Rathod, and an unnamed woman from Sangamner.
Deputy Commissioner Sanjay Kumar Rathod of the Maharashtra State Council of Examination was the one who blew the whistle on this fake certificate, which sported a bogus stamp and Rathod’s forged signature. After a thorough check, it was confirmed that the certificate was indeed a fake. The police then called in the woman for questioning, during which she spilled the beans that Nimbhore and Rathod had provided her with the fake certificate.
The motive behind this shady certificate is still a mystery and is currently being investigated. Rumor has it that it might have been intended for use in teacher recruitment, but nothing has been confirmed yet. Police Sub-Inspector Mahesh Bhosle from Deccan Gymkhana Police Station is on the case, digging deeper to uncover the full story and gather more information on the involvement of the accused trio. Stay tuned for more updates on this developing situation!
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