Pune Police Commissioner Amitesh Kumar is warning citizens about a fake message circulating on social media that is using his photo to solicit donations. In his WhatsApp status, CP Kumar is urging people not to respond to any messages requesting money and to be cautious of such scams.
The message from CP Kumar reads, ‘They are demanding money from citizens and misusing my photo in their WhatsApp status. Please, do not reply to any such message or request’. He is advising the public to ignore any requests for money that claim to be from him.
To protect yourself on social media, CP Kumar recommends using two-factor authentication to secure your accounts. This extra layer of security makes it harder for hackers to gain access to your account, even if they have your password. Additionally, regularly checking and updating your privacy settings is crucial to safeguarding your personal information. By monitoring who can see your posts and adjusting your settings accordingly, you can better protect yourself from online scams and cyber threats.
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