The city of Pune was rocked by a shocking incident following India’s T20 World Cup victory over South Africa. A man, identified as Sumant Kishore Parte, was arrested by officials from Vishrambaug police station for impersonating a policeman and assaulting citizens.
Parte, a 22-year-old resident of Navi Peth, was found with a fake Maharashtra Police identity card, a Central Industrial Security Force ID card, and a police uniform in his possession. It was revealed that Parte is unemployed and has a drinking problem.
The incident took place near Alka Chowk late on Saturday night, where a group of youths were celebrating India’s win. Parte, dressed in khaki pants, approached the group and used a gun-like object to threaten and attack them. The altercation was caught on video and went viral on social media.
Following a complaint from Police Constable Rahul Sonar, an FIR was filed against Parte at the Vishrambaug police station. He has been charged with cheating, impersonating a public servant, and violating the Maharashtra Prohibition Act.
The incident has left citizens shocked and concerned about the safety of public celebrations. It serves as a reminder to always be cautious and vigilant, especially in crowded areas during festive occasions.
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