The tragic death of 14-year-old Swaraj Pagare has left his family devastated and seeking answers. According to the family, Swaraj died as a result of medical negligence at Poona Hospital in Pune. Adding to their grief, the hospital reportedly chose to notify the police before informing the family, leading to a distressing situation with a heavy police presence.
Swaraj, a student at Nobel Blooming Bird School and a resident of Donje, was involved in an accident on June 11 while traveling home from tuition in an autorickshaw. The accident left him with a serious injury to his right leg. His father, Subodh Pagare, has taken action by approaching the Pune city police, resulting in the registration of an accidental death case at Vishrambaug police station.
Subodh has accused the hospital of negligence and is calling for a thorough investigation into the actions of the hospital staff and doctors. The police are currently waiting for the post-mortem report and expert opinions from Sassoon General Hospital to further their inquiry into this tragic incident. The family is seeking justice for Swaraj and answers to the circumstances surrounding his untimely death.
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