Residents near Shatrunjay Temple in Pune are calling for the stretch of road to be declared a ‘black spot’ following a tragic accident that claimed the life of a 59-year-old woman on June 12. Atul Jain from the Kondhwa Development Forum expressed frustration over the lack of action from the Pune traffic police and PMC despite numerous appeals for safety measures. The road’s slope has contributed to over 25 accidents in the last six months, with heavy vehicles posing a significant threat to commuters. Deputy Commissioner of Police (Traffic) Rohidas Pawar assured residents that the situation is being taken seriously and the road may be designated as a black spot. The recent incident involved a speeding dumper colliding with a two-wheeler, resulting in one fatality and injuries to another individual. Residents are hopeful that labeling the road as a black spot will lead to concrete safety measures to protect commuters.
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