In a shocking incident in Wagholi, Pune, a minor boy was allegedly killed by a senior citizen and his two sons. The motive behind the brutal act is said to be old animosities and the minor’s friendship with the senior citizen’s daughter. The incident took place in Gore Wasti, Wagholi, leading to the detention of the father Laxman Petkar (60) and his sons Nitin (31) and Sudhir (32).

According to reports, the deceased boy had a friendly relationship with Petkar’s daughter, which was not approved by the Petkar family. This led to previous conflicts between the two families. Last night, the minor boy got into an argument with the Petkar family, resulting in a physical altercation where the father-son trio allegedly beat the boy with an iron rod and a stone, leading to his tragic death.

Following the incident, the deceased boy’s father filed a complaint at Wagholi Police Station, leading to the arrest of the Petkar family members. Angered relatives of the deceased boy reportedly vandalized the accused’s house, prompting police intervention to control the situation.

Today, relatives of the deceased boy gathered at the police station demanding justice, while senior police officials assured strict action against the perpetrators. The deceased’s family initially planned to perform the final rites in front of the Petkar’s house but eventually conducted the rites with the assistance of the police.

The tragic incident has left the Wagholi community in shock, with authorities working to bring justice to the deceased boy and his grieving family. Stay tuned for more updates on this developing story.

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