In a surprising turn of events, five former Shiv Sena (Thackeray) corporators from Pune are all set to switch sides and join the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) today. Vishal Dhanwade, Pallavi Javale, Bala Oswal, Prachi Alhat, and Sangeeta Thosar will officially become members of the BJP at a ceremony in Mumbai, where they will be welcomed by top leaders including Maharashtra Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis, Union Minister of State Muralidhar Mohol, and BJP state president Chandrashekhar Bawankule.

This move is seen as a major setback for the Shiv Sena (Thackeray) faction in Pune, as the defection comes at a time when there is growing discontent and internal strife within the party. The former corporators have pointed to infighting among senior leaders and a lack of attention to Pune as the main reasons for their decision to leave.

Interestingly, two of the defectors had previously voiced their dissatisfaction on social media, criticizing the party leadership for its lack of direction and neglect. Adding to the drama, the Shiv Sena (Thackeray) had actually expelled three of these corporators just before they made the announcement to join the BJP, raising questions about the party’s organizational strength in Pune.

While the BJP is hopeful that the addition of these five corporators will boost their chances in the upcoming municipal elections, there is some tension within the party ranks. Several BJP office bearers have expressed their unhappiness, arguing that long-standing party workers should be given more importance than external entrants.

The political landscape in Maharashtra is already shifting, with the Mahayuti alliance, consisting of BJP, Shiv Sena (Shinde), and the NCP (Ajit Pawar faction), recently winning big in the state Assembly elections. On the other hand, the Mahavikas Aghadi alliance, comprising the Congress, Shiv Sena (Thackeray), and NCP (Sharad Pawar faction), suffered a significant defeat.

The defectors have accused the Shiv Sena (Thackeray) leadership of neglecting their grassroots workers and failing to expand the party’s base in Pune. One former corporator claimed that there had been no efforts to strengthen or grow the party in the district for the past five years.

Overall, this political maneuvering in Pune is sure to shake up the local political scene and will be closely watched as the municipal elections draw near. Stay tuned for more updates on this developing story.

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