Good news for bird lovers and tourists in Indapur as the iconic flamingos have finally made their grand entrance at the Ujani Reservoir, albeit a couple of months later than usual. The late monsoon and high water levels had delayed their migration, but now with the water receding, the marshy terrain and wetlands have emerged, attracting thousands of migratory and native birds.
Currently, over 500 flamingos have been spotted near Palasdev (Kalewadi) in the catchment area, providing a stunning sight for those who appreciate these elegant birds with their pink feathers, orange beaks, and long legs. This influx of flamingos has turned the region into a paradise for birdwatchers.
These migratory birds, typically found in European countries, breed in Gujarat’s Rann of Kutch before traveling to different parts of India with their young in search of food. Known for their striking crimson underwings, which look like flames in flight, they have earned the nickname “Agnipankh” (Flame Wings).
In addition to flamingos, other bird species are also spread across the wetlands near villages like Kugaon, Kedgaon, Sogaon, and more in Indapur and Karmala talukas. These birds can be seen throughout the day wading through shallow waters, feeding on algae, mollusks, and small aquatic creatures.
The flamingos’ diet in Ujani Reservoir includes the red algae Atolia, which gives them their distinctive pink color. The abundance of this algae in the reservoir makes it an ideal feeding ground for these majestic birds.
This year, the delayed arrival of the flamingos was attributed to the extended water release for irrigation purposes. However, with the recent discharge of water from the Bhima River and canals, the exposed muddy terrain has become a welcoming habitat for the flamingos, drawing them back to their winter retreat.
So, if you’re in the area, don’t miss the chance to witness this spectacular sight of flamingos in Indapur and enjoy the beauty of these magnificent birds in their natural habitat.
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