Pune residents may have to tighten their budgets as the cost of daily essentials like chapati and bhakari is set to rise. The Pune City-District Flour Mill Owners Association has announced a hike in milling rates for wheat and jowar, key ingredients for these staple foods.
The decision, made during a recent meeting chaired by Dilip Rananware, president of the Hadapsar division of the Flour Mill Owners Association, was driven by increasing operational costs. With electricity bills soaring and spare parts for grinding machines becoming more expensive, the association had no choice but to raise milling rates.
Effective January 1, the milling rate for wheat and jowar has been increased to Rs 8 per kilogram, while rates for pulses have been revised to Rs 10 per kilogram. This move is aimed at offsetting the rising costs of electricity and machine maintenance.
The decision was met with unanimous approval from association members, including Vice President Amol Memane, Secretary Pramod Walhekar, and others. While this news may not be welcome for Pune households, it is a reminder of the challenges faced by businesses in today’s economy.
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