Controversy continues to swirl around former IAS probationary officer Dr Puja Khedkar as she faces a potential arrest by the Delhi Police. The Patiala Court rejected her anticipatory bail application, leaving her in a precarious position.
Khedkar is accused of falsely claiming benefits reserved for the non-creamy layer, despite her father’s substantial income. She is also alleged to have submitted fraudulent disability documents. The UPSC and IAS training academy are conducting investigations into these serious allegations.
During the court hearing, Khedkar’s lawyer argued that she was being unfairly targeted due to her previous claims of sexual harassment. However, the Delhi Police maintained that she had provided false information. The court ultimately sided with the authorities, rejecting her bail plea.
In addition to facing potential arrest, the court has directed the Delhi Police to investigate any potential accomplices within the UPSC. They are also tasked with determining if others have similarly exploited the system by submitting fake certificates.
The case against Khedkar is multi-faceted, with accusations ranging from misconduct at the Pune District Collectorate to falsifying documents for personal gain. The Delhi Police have charged her with cheating, and the legal proceedings are ongoing. Stay tuned for further updates as this complex case unfolds.
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