Former IAS officer Puja Khedkar’s legal troubles continue to mount as the Delhi District Court rejects her anticipatory bail plea. The court’s decision comes in the wake of the Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) canceling her candidature due to allegations of cheating and document forgery related to her Civil Service Examination entry.
Khedkar, who hails from the 2023 Maharashtra cadre, stands accused of fabricating documents to secure an OBC reservation in the exam. She is also alleged to have misrepresented her identity to exceed exam attempt limits. The Delhi Police has initiated a case against her under various sections, including forgery and cheating.
During court proceedings, Khedkar claimed that the charges against her were in retaliation for filing a sexual harassment complaint against an officer. However, the prosecution argued that she has a history of deceiving the system and emphasized the need for her custodial interrogation.
The UPSC’s decision to invalidate Khedkar’s provisional IAS candidacy and prohibit her from future exams was prompted by a review showing violations of CSE-2022 Rules. The controversy surrounding her intensified after allegations of misuse of power were reported by the Pune District Collector, leading to a preliminary investigation exposing discrepancies in her disability certificate and OBC status.
The central government has launched a panel to investigate the allegations against Khedkar, who had previously accused Pune District Collector Suhas Diwase of harassment. The ongoing legal battle raises questions about the integrity of the Civil Service Examination process and the consequences of abusing legal mechanisms.

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