Former Transport Commissioner of Maharashtra, Mahesh Zagade, has raised concerns about the online driver’s license application process in Pune, questioning whether it has been intentionally made complicated to push citizens towards using agents. The Regional Transport Office (RTO) offers services online through the Sarathi portal of the Union Ministry for Road Transport & Highways, but many citizens find the system too complex and prefer to hire agents to navigate it for a fee.
Zagade, who recently faced difficulties renewing his own driver’s license, emphasized the need for a user-friendly process. He highlighted the importance of simplifying procedures to avoid unnecessary complications, urging citizens to avoid relying on agents for RTO work. The current Transport Commissioner, Vivek Bhimanwar, assured that improvements are being made to the online system with suggestions from different states, including Maharashtra.
It seems like the debate on the online driver’s license application process in Pune is far from over. With contrasting views from former and current Transport Commissioners, citizens are left wondering whether the system will be revamped to make it more accessible and efficient for everyone. Stay tuned for more updates on this ongoing issue.
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