The city of Pune was left in shock after a tragic incident in the Bibwewadi area, where a young man lost his life due to a lack of timely medical attention. The victim, identified as Krishna Laxman Sasane, was abandoned by his friend, Santosh Nagnath Bhise, following a road accident.
The incident took place on December 25th, when Santosh and Krishna were riding a motorcycle in Bibwewadi. Santosh, who was speeding and driving on the wrong side of the road, collided with an oncoming car. While Santosh suffered minor injuries, Krishna was severely injured in the crash.
Instead of taking his friend to the hospital, Santosh abandoned Krishna at a school ground in Bibwewadi and fled the scene without informing anyone. It was only the next day that local residents discovered Krishna’s body and alerted the police.
Police have registered a case against Santosh Bhise for negligence and fleeing the scene of an accident. The Bibwewadi police are currently investigating the incident to bring justice to the victim and his family. The tragic incident serves as a reminder of the importance of timely medical attention in the event of accidents.
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