In a shocking incident at the pilgrim centre Bhamchandra Hill in Khed taluka, a gang of youths brutally attacked students affiliated with the Warkari Sampraday. Two students were injured, with one suffering a fractured leg. The students were reportedly trying to stop love birds from engaging in obscene behavior at the holy site, which is associated with Sant Tukaram.
Four persons have been arrested in connection with the assault, but villagers are demanding strict action against the culprits. The incident has sparked outrage among pilgrims and members of the Warkari Sampraday from across Maharashtra, who frequent the centre to study the teachings of great Sants.
The attack occurred after a young man and a woman were seen engaging in inappropriate behavior at the hill. When a student from the centre asked them to leave, the situation escalated and resulted in the violent assault. This is not the first time such incidents have occurred, with locals expressing concerns about the safety of the students at the spiritual centre.
The Bhamchandra Dongar Saptah Samiti has condemned the incident and called for measures to prevent such violence in the future. The police have been urged to take swift action against the perpetrators and ensure the safety of those visiting the pilgrim centre.
Residents of the area are calling for an end to such incidents and are hopeful that the authorities will intervene to maintain peace and order at the spiritual site. It is important for all stakeholders to work together to prevent similar acts of violence in the future.
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