In more recent news from Pune, the ongoing protests for Maratha reservation have taken a new turn with OBC leader Laxman Hake joining the hunger strike. This has sparked a war of words between the Maratha and OBC communities, with accusations flying back and forth.

Adding fuel to the fire, Bharatiya Janata Party Leader and Minister of Rural Development and Panchayati Raj Department of Maharashtra, Girish Mahajan, is currently in Pune and has been speaking out about the political situation in the state. When questioned about the government’s response to Jarange Patil’s demands, Mahajan took a swipe at veteran leader Sharad Pawar, criticizing him for his past stance on Maratha reservation.

Mahajan defended the government’s actions, stating that efforts had been made to provide reservation for the Maratha community under the leadership of Devendra Fadnavis. He also emphasized the government’s commitment to finding a solution that would not impact the OBC reservation.

Responding to allegations from Supriya Sule that the BJP was instigating division between the Marathas and OBCs, Mahajan dismissed the claims as political maneuvering. He urged both communities to avoid making statements that could further escalate tensions.

As the situation continues to unfold, it remains to be seen how the government will navigate the complex issue of reservation in Maharashtra without deepening the rift between different communities. Stay tuned for more updates on this developing story.

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