As the Ashadi Ekadashi Wari 2024 approaches, Deputy Chief Minister (DCM) of Maharashtra, Ajit Pawar, is gearing up for the upcoming Pandharpur Palkhi procession. In a recent meeting held at Vidhan Bhavan Pune, Pawar discussed the preparations needed to ensure a smooth and successful event.

With key attendees including MLAs and high-ranking officials, Pawar emphasized the government’s commitment to providing necessary funds for the Palkhi ceremony. He also stressed the importance of cleanliness and infrastructure, directing the immediate cleaning of the Indrayani River and ensuring the city of Pandharpur remains clean post-ceremony.

Pawar proposed a long-term plan for the permanent allocation of land along the Palkhi route, aiming to prevent encroachment and provide necessary facilities. Additionally, the government will provide comprehensive support for security and other arrangements for processions coming from various districts.

Divisional Commissioner Pulkundwar announced the hiring of additional manpower for mobile toilets and sanitation services, while Police Commissioner Amitesh Kumar briefed attendees on security and traffic management plans. An innovative app developed by the Public Works Department will offer vital information to participants, enhancing convenience during the ceremony.

With enhanced manpower and technological integration, the government is working tirelessly to ensure a successful and memorable Ashadi Wari for all participants.

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