It seems like trouble is brewing at Aditya Birla Hospital in Thergaon, as a case has been filed against the CEO and General Manager, along with three other individuals. The allegations stem from claims that poor patients were not receiving benefits from government schemes, prompting a government inspection team to investigate.
The complaint, filed by Radheshyam Hanmantrao Padalwar, has led to a case being registered against the hospital officials under various sections of the Indian Penal Code, including obstruction of public servants in the discharge of their duties and criminal intimidation.
The complainant, who works in the Public Trusts Registration Office, conducted an inspection on May 30 and requested information on specific points from the hospital. However, during a follow-up visit on June 25, the hospital staff allegedly obstructed the government officials and refused to provide the necessary assistance and documents.
The situation escalated when an unknown woman reportedly threatened the inspection team, questioning their authority and using intimidating language. The police are now looking into the matter further to determine the extent of the obstruction and intimidation.
Stay tuned for more updates on this developing story.
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