The latest twist in the Pune Porsche car accident case has shocked the city, as the teenager’s grandfather has been taken into custody by the police. The tragic incident, which claimed the lives of two young IT engineers, has taken a new turn with the arrest of Surendra Kumar Agarwal.

According to reports, an FIR has been filed against Agarwal for allegedly unlawfully detaining the driver who was with the teenager at the time of the accident. It is said that the driver had accompanied the teenager to two pubs in Koregaon Park, where they consumed alcohol before the teenager took the wheel of the luxury car.

In a surprising revelation, it was disclosed that Agarwal pressured the driver to take the blame for the accident at the Yerwada police station. The driver, who was allegedly coerced into confessing to the crime, revealed these details during the investigation.

The fatal accident took place in the early hours of Sunday, May 19th, near Landmark Garden society on Kalyani Nagar – Airport Road. The incident has sparked outrage among the residents of Pune, who are demanding justice for the victims and their families.

The police are continuing their investigation into the case, and more details are expected to emerge in the coming days. Stay tuned for updates on this developing story.

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