With heavy rain on the horizon, Pune district is taking preemptive measures to ensure the safety of its residents. District Collector Dr. Suhas Diwase has made the decision to give all schools up to the 12th standard a day off on Tuesday, July 9. This move comes in light of a warning issued by the Regional Meteorological Center about the anticipated downpour.
While students enjoy their day off, school staff members are required to be present during regular hours to assist with disaster management duties as needed. The district is taking a proactive approach to ensure that everyone is prepared for the potential challenges that may arise due to the heavy rainfall.
In addition to the school closures, the District Collector has advised citizens to avoid tourist spots like waterfalls and to only leave their homes if absolutely necessary. These precautions are being taken to reduce the risks associated with the severe weather conditions expected in the area.
Stay safe, Pune! And remember, it’s always better to be prepared than to be caught off guard.
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