In a major boost for the Talegaon Dabhade industrial area near Pune, Hyundai Steel and eight other companies are set to invest a whopping ₹2,260 crore. This investment will involve the acquisition of 70 acres of land for various operations, marking a significant milestone in the region’s industrial growth.

The consortium of companies participating in this investment includes Hyundai Steel, Sungwoo Hitech, NVH India, PHA India, Komos Automotive, Doowon Automotive, Paracoat Products, and Movemax System Logistics. These companies are expected to generate around 2,640 job opportunities, contributing to the region’s economic prosperity.

The investment deal was sealed at a ceremony held at the Grand Sheraton Hotel in Pune, attended by executives from RMK Spaces and representatives from the investing companies. Ranjit Kakade, executive director of RMK Spaces, expressed optimism about the positive impact of this investment on the local economy, stating that production is expected to kick off within the next six months.

The Talegaon Dabhade Industrial Area offers several advantages, including excellent road connectivity to Mumbai, ample water resources, a peaceful environment, and a supportive local workforce. The breakdown of investments from the participating companies shows a significant commitment to the region’s development.

RMK Spaces has played a crucial role in attracting investments to the area, with a total investment of ₹6,640 crore and the creation of over 8,640 jobs. The involvement of multiple companies from different sectors highlights the industrial diversification of the region, with production from the new facilities expected to start in the near future.

Overall, the investment by Hyundai Steel and its partners is set to transform the Talegaon Dabhade industrial landscape, driving economic growth and creating numerous job opportunities in the region.

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