The drama unfolds as Washim Police officials paid a surprise visit to IAS probationary officer Puja Khedkar’s home on Monday night. The reason? Khedkar has filed a harassment case against Pune District Collector Suhas Diwase and other officials from the Pune Collectorate. Sources have confirmed to Punekar News that Khedkar has accused Diwase and his team of harassment.
It all started when Diwase, acting on information and formal communication from his team, reported Khedkar’s alleged misuse of power to the Maharashtra Government. As a result, Khedkar was transferred from the Pune Collectorate to the Washim Collectorate, where she is currently posted.
While Washim police officials are staying mum about the specifics of the complaint, it’s been revealed that no FIR has been registered yet based on Khedkar’s allegations. Stay tuned for more updates on this developing story.
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