Hey there, science enthusiasts! Big news coming out of Pune today – Dr. Krishanpal Karmodiya, a brilliant faculty member at IISER Pune, has been selected for the prestigious EMBO Global Investigator Network. This network supports young group leaders in various countries, including India, and Dr. Karmodiya is one of the eleven new members to join this round.

Dr. Karmodiya’s research focuses on understanding drug resistance in the malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum, particularly in relation to the critical drug artemisinin. His work on chromatin regulators and genetic markers associated with drug resistance has garnered significant attention in the scientific community.

By analysing over 2,000 genomes and conducting large-scale genome-sequencing in India, Dr. Karmodiya and his team have identified novel mutations linked to resistance mechanisms. This research has the potential to greatly impact the treatment of malaria in the future.

Membership in the EMBO Global Investigator Network will provide Dr. Karmodiya with resources for networking, collaboration, and professional development over the next four years. This opportunity will not only advance his research but also support the career development of his team members.

It’s great to see Indian scientists like Dr. Karmodiya making waves on the global stage. We can’t wait to see where his research leads next!

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