Trouble seems to be following Vishal Agarwal like a shadow these days. The accused in a hit-and-run case involving his minor son, Agarwal is now facing more legal woes as an unauthorised bar and construction on his luxury MPG Club resort and hotel in Mahabaleshwar have been demolished.

The State Excise Department took action following orders from CM Eknath Shinde, who was informed about the illegal business. District Collector Jitendra Dudi conducted an inquiry and sealed the bar before demolishing the illegal building, which was found to be a rented residential property being used for commercial purposes.

The Mahabaleshwar Municipal Council flattened around 12 illegal rooms at the property, bringing the unauthorized activities to a halt. CM Shinde, who was camping near Mahabaleshwar, issued orders for the investigation and subsequent action to be taken.

The inquiry revealed that the bar at the hotel was being run illegally, prompting the State Excise Department to seal it for further investigation. It seems like Vishal Agarwal’s problems are far from over as authorities crack down on illegal activities at his properties.

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