The recent heavy rainfall in Pune has led to flooding in low-lying areas, prompting the Army to step in and provide much-needed assistance. A rescue and relief column, consisting of Infantry troops, Engineer task force, and medical personnel, has been dispatched to Ekta Nagar in response to a request from the civil administration.
The Army personnel are equipped with rescue boats and essential healthcare services to aid the affected residents. Additional Army columns are on standby, ready to be deployed as needed. The Southern Command of the Indian Army is closely monitoring the situation and working in coordination with other government agencies.
The request for Army assistance was received on July 25, and the task force was quickly mobilized to the affected area. With a team of 95 personnel from various units, including Infantry, Engineer, and medical teams, the Army is fully engaged in the rescue and relief efforts. The Indian Air Force is also prepared for any potential emergencies.
The Indian Armed Forces are committed to supporting the civil administration and ensuring the safety and well-being of those affected by the flooding in Pune.
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