The Indian Army celebrated its 77th Army Day with a groundbreaking parade in Pune on January 15, 2025, featuring robotic mules developed by AeroArc. These cutting-edge machines, known as Multi-Utility Legged Equipment (MULE), showcased advanced capabilities such as mobility in extreme temperatures, durability, and integration with drones and sensors.
The parade marked a historic moment as it was the first time the Army Day parade was held in Pune, demonstrating the Army’s commitment to modernization and inclusivity. The event honored Field Marshal KM Cariappa, the first Indian Commander-in-Chief of the Indian Army, and paid tribute to fallen soldiers.
The robotic mules, with their ability to navigate challenging terrains and carry various payloads, are set to revolutionize modern warfare. From perimeter security to hazardous material handling, these machines offer enhanced efficiency and safety in a range of operations.
This year’s Army Day celebration in Pune showcased the Indian Army’s dedication to innovation and readiness to embrace advanced technology. The synchronized parade of robotic mules underscored the Army’s commitment to staying ahead of the curve and ensuring the safety and security of the nation.
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