With the festive season just around the corner, Indian Railways is gearing up to ensure smooth travel for passengers during Durga Puja, Diwali, and Chhath Puja. This year, a whopping 6556 special trains will be running from October 1 to November 30 to accommodate the surge in travelers. Last year, the railways operated 4429 festival special trains, providing a comfortable travel experience for millions of passengers.

Central Railway, in particular, is all set to run 346 special trains to cater to passengers traveling during the festive season. These trains will connect major cities like Mumbai and Pune to destinations like Danapur, Gorakhpur, Banaras, Samastipur, Prayagraj, Hazrat Nizamuddin, and more.

During Durga Puja, Diwali, and Chhath festivals, millions of passengers travel across the country, especially to states like Uttar Pradesh and Bihar. These festivals hold great religious significance for the people of these states and provide a chance for families to reunite. Due to the high demand, train tickets often go on waiting lists months in advance. To address this issue, Indian Railways has decided to operate special trains again this year to ensure passengers reach their destinations seamlessly.

So, if you’re planning to travel during the upcoming festive season, rest assured that Indian Railways has got you covered with a plethora of special trains running to popular destinations. Get ready to celebrate the festivals with your loved ones without worrying about travel hassles!

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