Tragic news struck the Indian community in Pimple Nilakh as the body of 26-year-old tech professional Siddhant Vitthal Patil was recovered after drowning in Avalanche Creek. Patil, a Jalgaon native based in San Jose, California, was hiking with friends when he fell into the creek from a rock. Despite efforts to find him in the challenging whitewater conditions, his body was finally spotted by a visitor below the gorge. The search was difficult due to submerged obstacles, but rangers utilized drones and poles to locate him. His family expressed gratitude for the support received, with his uncle thanking rangers and community leader Prem Bhandari for their assistance. Maharashtra’s Deputy Chief Minister, Devendra Fadnavis, also offered his condolences, expressing sadness over the loss of the young professional. The Indian American community mourns the loss of Patil, and may his family find strength during this difficult time.
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