The Pune Railway Station area has been plagued by intoxicated and addicted thieves, causing fear among passengers. In the latest incident, a man was stabbed with a blade after refusing to give money to these criminals. This incident marks the third robbery in the area in the last 10 days, prompting concerns about passenger safety.
Vaditha Govinda Naik, a 28-year-old resident of Bibwewadi, has lodged a complaint at the Bund Garden Police Station regarding the incident. The police have registered a case against the thief based on Naik’s complaint.
According to reports, Naik was leaving the Tukaram Sheth Shinde Parking Lot area near Pune Railway Station at around 10:30 pm on Saturday when he was accosted by a thief demanding money. When Naik refused, the thief forcefully took Rs 800 from his pocket and stabbed him with a blade when he resisted. The thief fled the scene after Naik called for help. Assistant Police Inspector Nandkumar Naik is currently investigating the case.
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