Well, folks, it looks like there’s some drama unfolding within the Pune Municipal Corporation (PMC) Health Department. Apparently, the Assistant Health Officer has been signing bills instead of the Health Officer, which has raised some eyebrows. This mix-up has prompted the Acting Health Officer to recall a whopping 85 files from the Accounts and Finance Department to get everything sorted out.
It seems that this bill-signing debacle has been going on since last year, with the Assistant Health Officer taking charge instead of the designated Health Officer. Despite the protocol stating that any bill exceeding Rs 3 Lakhs must be signed by the Health Officer, these unauthorized bills were still getting approved by the Accounts and Finance Department. Talk about a bureaucratic mess!
After receiving complaints about this sneaky bill-signing business, Additional Commissioner Prithviraj B.P. has launched an investigation into the matter. To set things right, the Health Officer’s signature is now required on every bill. Acting Health Officer Dr. Kalpana Baliwant has taken matters into her own hands by recalling those 85 files and personally signing them before sending them back to the Accounts and Finance Department.
Dr. Baliwant has made it clear that she’s just following orders and ensuring that everything is done by the book. Meanwhile, Ulka Kalaskar, the Chief Accounts and Finance Officer at PMC, has confirmed that bills should indeed be signed by the Head of the Department and that the mix-up mainly occurred with bills from the SAP system.
So, it looks like the Health Department at PMC is getting a much-needed shake-up, and hopefully, this snafu will be resolved soon. Stay tuned for more updates on this developing story!
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