As the Kumbh Mela approaches, the IRCTC has announced the launch of the Bharat Gaurav train from Pune to Prayagraj on January 15 at 10 PM. This special service falls under the government’s “Dekho Apna Desh” scheme, with a total of 86 Bharat Gaurav trains now operating across the country.
But that’s not all – other special trains connecting to Prayagraj include routes from Nanded, Aurangabad, Kachiguda, and Secunderabad, all making stops at Prayagraj Cheoki.
With the Kumbh Mela set to kick off on January 13, the city of Prayagraj is gearing up for an influx of 40 crore devotees, including saints, seers, and pilgrims. To accommodate this massive crowd, over 3,000 trains and 200 chartered flights have been arranged for seamless travel.
The Bharat Gaurav train and other initiatives aim to make the spiritual journey of pilgrims more convenient and memorable, ensuring a smooth and hassle-free experience for all attendees. Get ready for an unforgettable pilgrimage to Prayagraj this Kumbh Mela season!
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