Pune is all set to witness a unique blend of technology and tradition as the IT dindi joins the wari procession from Alandi to Bhawani Peth on Sunday morning. With over 1,700 IT employees coming together, this initiative showcases a harmonious convergence of modern work culture and spiritual customs.
The participation in this year’s IT dindi has seen a significant increase, with Lalkar Chhadwelkar from Aundh noting the enthusiasm among the participants. Safety, especially for women participants, is a top priority, with multiple pick-up points across Pune ensuring convenient transportation to Alandi for the palkhi darshan.
Logistics and planning for the IT dindi have been meticulously organized, with 45 buses arranged to ferry participants from various city locations starting from 3:30 am on Sunday. After paying homage to the palkhi, the IT dindi will regroup at Jungali Maharaj Mandir on JM Road, concluding their journey with chants and camaraderie.
In addition to professional engagement, many tech professionals are involving their families in this annual tradition, passing down traditions and values to the next generation. Deepti Deshpande, an IT consultant-turned-homemaker, emphasized the importance of community and cultural legacy in participating in the wari.
The IT dindi’s participation in the wari procession serves as a testament to the city’s diverse and inclusive spirit, bringing together individuals from different backgrounds to celebrate tradition and spirituality.
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