Kajal Aggarwal has kickstarted filming for her upcoming movie, The India Story, in Pune, alongside co-stars Shreyas Talpade and Murali Sharma. Directed by Chetan DK and produced by Sagar B. Shinde, the film’s first schedule is currently underway, with key portions to be shot in Kolhapur.

The actress took to social media to share a glimpse of the project, expressing her excitement for the untold and impactful story. Fans have eagerly responded to the announcement, looking forward to the powerful and thought-provoking drama.

The India Story aims to shed light on major pesticide company scandals, exploring significant social issues while engaging viewers with its compelling narrative. Scheduled for release on August 15, 2025, the movie hopes to spark conversations and deliver a cinematic experience.

In addition to The India Story, Kajal Aggarwal is also gearing up for another project, Kannappa, where she will portray the role of Goddess Parvati. Starring alongside Prabhas, Mohanlal, and Akshay Kumar, the actress’s portrayal has already generated buzz among fans, making Kannappa one of the most anticipated projects of the year.

With its socially relevant themes and stellar performances, The India Story promises to be a must-watch drama in 2025. Fans can mark their calendars for the release date and look forward to Kajal’s versatile acting in both projects.

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