The mango season has officially kicked off in Pune with the auction of the first box of Kesar mangoes, fetching an impressive ₹31,000. The event, held at Market Yard on Sunday, saw businessman Raosaheb Kunjir emerge as the winner of the prized box containing 5.25 dozen mangoes sourced from farmer Saad Mulla’s orchard in Devgad and delivered to Pune by Pranit Manjrekar of Sai Mango Service.
This year, there has been a noticeable shift in mango varieties, with Kesar mangoes taking the spotlight over the traditional Alphonso mangoes. Traders Bapu Bhosale and Balbhim Majalgave attribute this change to altered weather patterns causing a delay in the arrival of Alphonso varieties. They expect a regular influx of mangoes to begin around March 15, with high-quality produce anticipated.
Kesar mangoes, originally from Gujarat, are now being cultivated more in the Konkan region due to its conducive climate. This shift has led to earlier harvests and a greater supply of Kesar mangoes compared to previous years.
The auction price of ₹31,000 for the first box of Kesar mangoes, the origin from Saad Mulla’s orchard in Devgad, the transportation by Pranit Manjrekar, and the presence of dignitaries like senior BJP leader Baba Misal and Market Committee officials all added to the excitement of the event. The mango season not only brings joy to traders and consumers but also showcases the changing agricultural practices and growing demand for Kesar mangoes in Maharashtra’s Konkan region.
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