Residents of Keshav Nagar in Mundhwa are fed up with the slow progress of a road construction project that has been dragging on for over a year. The incomplete 900-meter stretch from Mantra to Silversands in Sharad Nagar is causing major headaches for the community, with potholes, poor lighting, and stray animals making it a hazardous route to navigate.

The Parshuram Constructions project, which started in 2024, has only managed to complete a small portion of the road, leaving residents to deal with health hazards, road safety issues, and daily inconveniences. Despite complaints and promises of action from the PMC, little has been done to address the concerns raised by the residents.

In a letter to the PMC Commissioner, residents have demanded immediate action to finish the road within the next two months or face potential protests at the PMC office. The delays are not just about inconvenience; they pose a serious threat to the safety and quality of life of those living in the area.

As the pressure mounts on the PMC to respond to the residents’ demands, the community is hopeful that their collective voice will finally bring about the changes needed to improve their daily lives.

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