The victim, Vitthal Sakharam Polekar, went missing on November 14, 2024, after not returning from his morning walk. His family reported him missing, leading to an investigation being launched. It was discovered that he had been kidnapped by Yogesh alias Babu Kisan Bhame, who demanded a luxury vehicle as extortion.

The police traced the white Swift car near the victim’s house to Yogesh Bhame’s location in Nashik. Two accomplices, Shubham Sonawane and Milind Thorat, were arrested with the help of railway police in Jabalpur. Yogesh Bhame was finally apprehended near the Sarola Bridge on the Pune-Satara road.

Yogesh Bhame and his accomplices are facing charges including murder, attempted murder, kidnapping, fraud, and illegal possession of firearms. They are currently in police custody for further investigation under the guidance of Police Superintendent Pankaj Deshmukh and Additional Police Superintendent Ramesh Chopde.

The investigation is ongoing, with the Haveli Police Station and Local Crime Branch conducting further proceedings. Stay tuned for more updates on this developing story.

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