Pune saw a significant event on Wednesday as the Khadakwasla Dam released water into the Mutha River for the first time this monsoon season. The dam reached its maximum storage capacity of 1.97 TMC, prompting the irrigation department to start the water release early in the morning. The initial release rate of 1,000 cusecs gradually increased to 9,416 cusecs by 9 AM, leading to the closure of key bridges and roads in the city.
The continued water discharge throughout the day increased the total storage of the four dams in the Khadakwasla circle by 1.76 TMC, now at 18.53 TMC. This amount is equivalent to the city’s annual water usage, making water cuts unlikely in the near future. If heavy rains persist in the catchment areas, the water release from Khadakwasla may increase.
The region has experienced significant rainfall, with major dams recording over 150mm of rain. Precautionary measures have been taken by the civic administration and city police department, closing riverside roads and bridges to vehicles. While no residents need to be relocated at this time, civic ward offices are monitoring water levels in the Mutha River in case temporary relocations become necessary. Areas under close watch include Sinhagad Road, Bopodi, Mula Road, Deccan Gymkhana, and Shivne.
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